Squarespace Custom Domains Guide

Setting up your Nucleus custom domain with a domain purchased through Squarespace is a straightforward process. If you run into trouble though, don't hesitate to contact support at hello@nucleus.church!

NOTE: This is a walkthrough for setting up a custom domain for your Nucleus purchased through Squarespace. To see the complete custom domain walkthrough, click here.

Step 1: Domain DNS Settings

In the Home Menu, click Settings, and then click Domains. You can also press the ? key while any panel is open and search domains.

Next, click Advanced Settings.

Now, to add a new record, choose the A record type from the drop-down menu in the bottom row of the Custom Records section. Then manually enter the record information.

  • Host name = @
  • IP address (value) =
  • TTL (time to launch) = as low as possible i.e. 600 seconds, 1m, etc.

NOTE: To ensure that your domains DNS settings have been properly configured, visit the website https://www.whatsmydns.net/. From here, enter your domain in the field provided and select 'A' from the dropdown menu to signify 'A record'. Click the search button and whatsmydns.net will identify where your domain is currently pointed. You'll know your domain is correctly pointed at Nucleus if the values appear as (see screenshot below for example).

Step 2: Domain Nucleus Settings

After completing Step 1, your Squarespace domain (ie. nucleus1.church) will be pointing at Nucleus. But this is just a one-way relationship at this point. 

Now, it's time to let Nucleus know which domain it should use to serve your Nucleus to the world.

To begin, navigate to your Nucleus Settings page while logged in to your Nucleus account.

Then, in the left sidebar, click 'Custom Domain' under the 'Web' section.

Simply enter your domain name (WITHOUT "www." or "http://" at the beginning - Example: hopechurch.xyz)

Once you've added your custom domain to the field provided, scroll to the bottom of your 'Nucleus Settings' page, and click the 'Save Changes' button to commit and save the changes to your Nucleus.

Even once you've setup everything properly with your Nucleus custom domain, your new domain won't appear instantly. Domain propagation can take up to 24 hours. Make sure to check with https://www.whatsmydns.net/ to ensure your Squarespace domain is properly pointed at Nucleus (see more instructions on how to do this in Step 1).

Of course, if your domain is correctly pointed at Nucleus, your Nucleus settings are properly configured, and you're still not seeing your custom domain working as it should, contact support at hello@nucleus.church and we'll make sure to assist you in the process!

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