Overview: Custom Domains Guide

Congrats on entering the Nucleus Universe! It can be a bit confusing, but here we'll guide you on the journey of configuring your DNS Settings, pointing your custom domain to Nucleus, and how to secure your site 👍 

But first, let's review some terminology that you might see in the following steps to help make things a bit more clear 👇

Important Definitions:

Custom Domain: A unique, branded name that identifies a website. It also allows people to search for your church online easier. (i.e. church.com)

Domain Registrar: A company that you can buy domains from (i.e. GoDaddy)

DNS Settings: Domain Name System (DNS) settings instruct domains to point to certain websites (i.e. your domain to Nucleus)

A Record: A map that points your domain to Nucleus. You can adjust this under DNS Settings.

CNAME Record: A canonical name record points an alias domain to another domain. A common use is when www.church.com points to church.com

TTL: Time To Live is like an expiration time set on a DNS record query. The shorter the TTL is on a record, the more likely you are to see the most recent information pertaining to that record.

SSL: A Secure Socket Layer protects any information on your site from being compromised by unapproved third parties.

Three Steps

Now that we've got some terminology out of the way, let's dive into purchasing a domain, pointing it to your Nucleus, and securing your site 💪

Step #1: Custom Domains and DNS Settings

In the first step, you'll learn where to buy a custom domain, and where we'll also guide you step-by-step on how to configure your DNS settings so that your custom domain points to Nucleus!

I'm Ready for Step #1

Step #2: Domain Nucleus Settings

In the second step, we'll guide you on how to pair your custom domain and your Nucleus site.

Take Me to Step #2

Step #3: Installing a SSL Certificate

In the third and final step, (honestly, the easiest step 😀), you'll learn how to obtain a SSL Certificate to secure and protect your site! 🛡️

Let's Crush Step #3

Of course, if you need any assistance along the way, don't hesitate to reach out to us at hello@nucleus.church.

Good luck!

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