Step #2: Pair your domain with your Nucleus

How was your break? We are in the home stretch now. Just a few more steps to get your Nucleus up and running! After completing Step #1, your domain

(ie. will be pointing at Nucleus. But this is just a one-way relationship at this point. Now, it's time to let Nucleus know which domain it should use to serve your Nucleus to the world.

Keep in mind...

  • If you don't have a Custom Domain, or haven't configured your DNS Settings, go back and read Step #1. Once you've done that, you are ready for Step #2!

Take me back to Step #1

Step #2: Domain Nucleus Settings

To begin, navigate to your Nucleus Settings page while logged in to your Nucleus account. On the left hand side under Web, select Custom Domain.

Simply enter your domain name (WITHOUT "www." or "http://" at the beginning - Example:

Once you've added your custom domain to the field provided, click the 'Save Changes' button to commit and save the changes to your Nucleus.

Keep in mind...

  • These changes should take into effect almost immediately. However, if your domain is correctly pointed at Nucleus, your Nucleus settings are properly configured, and you're still not seeing your custom domain working as it should, contact support at and we'll make sure to get it set up for you!

Good job! That is Step #2 complete! We are almost there. Just one more step to go! 

Onward to Step #3

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