Step #1: Enable Your Podcast

With the Nucleus Sermon Engine, not only can you host audio and embed media to your site, but you can also generate an RSS feed to allow you to syndicate a podcast with your favorite podcast provider. From iTunes to Google Play, Stitcher to TuneIn, creating and syndicating your podcast to these platforms is now quick and easy with Nucleus.

Important Definitions

Podcast Host: The platform where you upload your audio files and generate your RSS feed. (This is what the Sermon Engine is.)

Podcast Directory: The platform where you syndicate your RSS feed to, and where listeners can subscribe to your podcast. (This is what Apple/iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify are.)

Syndicate: To distribute information to multiple broadcasting platforms.

RSS Feed: A Rich Site Summary Feed is comprised of documents that can be updated regularly (such as audio media items). Think of it as the connection between a podcast host and a podcast directory. To learn a bit more, click here.

Enabling & Adding/Updating Your Podcast Settings

In the Podcast menu in the left sidebar, click on Settings to open the panel. (Or click here.) Here, you'll be able to edit titles, speakers, categories, and more! ⚙️

If you're already syndicating your podcast to podcast directories, then any changes you make in this panel will be reflected there the next time those directories pull new information from your RSS feed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Every single setting/field on this page is required for your podcast to properly syndicate across any podcast platform.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: If you add a custom domain to your Sermon Engine (such as a subdomain or otherwise) after you've already syndicated your RSS feed to podcast directories, you will need to re-submit your RSS feed to those podcast directories, as your RSS feed will have changed to reflect your custom domain.


To enable a podcast feed, you guessed it! Toggle that switch to the Enabled position.

After enabling your podcast, Nucleus will generate an RSS feed link for you. This is what you'll copy and paste into podcast directories like Apple/iTunes, Google Play, etc. To learn more about RSS feeds, including how to ensure you use the secure version of your RSS feed, click here.

Title and Description

Add a title and short description for your show! Not too hard, right?


Choose an author for your show. We suggest using your church's name or the name of your lead teacher!

Contact Email

Add your contact email to be associated with your show 📩


Here, you can choose a category for your show. From the dropdown menu, choose the category (or categories!) that are most applicable to your church.


If you're church is edgy and meets in a pub, select Explicit here 🍻 For the rest of you, Not Explicit will suffice. 


Upload the artwork for your show! Click the upload image box and select a file from your computer. Files can be almost any image type, but we recommend either . jpeg or .png formats. We also recommend uploading photos that measure 3000x3000. Additionally, the recommended minimum file size is 4MB.


Next Step

Now that you've added all the necessary information for your podcast, your RSS feed is now ready to be syndicated to podcast directories! However, before you do that, there's one more item that needs to be addressed...

Let's Address Step #2

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