Form Submission Email Notifications

To enable email notifications of a new form submission, first, navigate to the Page where your form is embedded.

From here, click on your form block and you'll notice the Nucleus form builder appear in your sidebar.

Now, click on 'Edit Form Settings'.

At this point, simply toggle the switch labeled 'Enable Notifications' and it will turn purple.

Then, enter an email address in the field titled 'Send notification to'. By doing this, you'll ensure that each time this form is submitted, an email notification with the details of the submission will be sent directly to the email address provided. 

To add more than one email address, simply separate multiple emails with a comma and a space.

NOTE: Make sure that you input a comma and not another symbol in between email addresses.

And voila! From here on out, an email notification will be sent to the address(es) you provided upon each successful form submission.

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