Form Settings

Every form has a settings tab that can be customized within the form building window.

To access form settings, click the ' Edit Form Settings' button in the left sidebar when your form is selected.

Upon clicking Edit Form Settings, you'll see a new set of options appear in the sidebar. Here, you can begin customizing your Form Settings.

Email Notifications

To enable email notifications of a new form submission, simply toggle the switch labeled ' Enable email notifications' and it will turn purple.

Then, enter an email address in the field titled 'Send email notifications to'. By doing this, you'll ensure that each time this form is submitted, an email notification with the details of the submission will be sent directly to the email address provided. To add more than one email address, simply separate multiple emails with a comma and a space.

Spam Protection

You can add a captcha field to help prevent spam submissions from flooding your inbox and notification center. Simply toggle the switch on to enable captcha.

This adds an extra field at the end of your form where the person submitting the form will need to enter in the numbers and letters they see in the image.

Confirmation Message

In this field, you can customize a confirmation message that will appear to your users upon a successful form submission. 

Here is how your confirmation message will appear to your users.

To customize your confirmation message, simply add text to the box within your form settings that reads 'Customize Confirmation'.

TIP: Have fun with your confirmation message! Use it as an opportunity to put a smile on your user's face :) 

Form Limits

Enabling limits on your form is a great way to automatically close the form, instead of having you forget to do it :)

To enable Form Limits, toggle the ' Enable Form Limits' button on.

Once doing this you'll be presented with a new set of options.

Submission Limits

Choose how many submissions of the form can be submitted before the form closes. You can also click ' View Submissionsto get redirected to the current submissions that have already come through on this form.

Close Date

Select a date for the form to automatically close, regardless of how many submissions there are.

Closed Form Placeholder

Here you can customize the message someone will see if they go to fill out a form, and it's closed. (I highly recommend doing this to avoid angry emails from people saying the can't fill out the form :))


Once the form is closed. You can change the button to take users some where else.

Note: You don't need to do this. Leaving this field blank will make the button unclickable for users.

(Example of using Button: A signup for a certain small group is closed, but you don't want people to not join a small group. So you can use the button to take people to other small groups so they can sign up for them.)

Don't forget! Once you are done! Click 'Save Changes' so you don't lose your hard work.

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