Add Live Chat (Facebook Customer Chat) To Your Nucleus

Using a third-party tool like Facebook's Customer Chat or Intercom, you have the ability to add a live chat widget to your Nucleus and allow real-time conversations to take place while visitors are using your Nucleus.

While we at Nucleus use Intercom for our live chat widget, other Nucleus users have opted to use Facebook's Customer Chat - because it's a free service and it utilizes a platform that most people already know and use 

By following the walkthrough detailed below, you too can add live chat functionality to your Nucleus!

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to install this live chat, your church needs to have its own Facebook page. To learn more about Facebook pages, click here.

Step #1 - Access Your Facebook Page Settings

First, login to your Facebook account and navigate to your Facebook page.

Next, click on your page Settings in the upper right corner (right beside the Help tab).

Then, click on the Messenger Platform tab on the left side.

Step #2 - Whitelist Your Domain

Once in your Messenger Platform Settings, scroll down to the Whitelisted Domains section.

Type in your Nucleus custom domain. Then click save.

Step #3 - Set Up & Customize Your Customer Chat Plugin

Scroll further down until you find the Customer Chat Plugin section. Click on the Set Up button.

Follow the instructions presented on the screen. You'll be able to customize the welcome message and the color of the messenger icon.

At the end of the instructions, type in your custom domain again and click the Save button.

Additionally, make sure you select, "I'll install the code by myself."

Copy your unique JavaScript installation code on the right side of the screen by hovering your cursor over the code and clicking on it.

Step #4 - Add Facebook Customer Chat JavaScript To Your Nucleus Settings

Now that you've copied your custom Facebook Customer Chat installation code, it's time to paste that code into your Nucleus Settings.

Navigate to your Nucleus Settings and select Code Injection under the Church section.

Paste the code in the field provided. Don't forget to click the 'Save Changes' button!

Congratulations! You have now added live chat functionality to your Nucleus - for free!

Your live chat widget will look similar to the screenshot below. Woot woot!

For more information on this setup process from Facebook's documentation, click here.


If you find that the chat widget doesn't show up on your Nucleus, double check to make sure that you have whitelisted your domain (including the appropriate http:// or https://) in STEP #2 and STEP #3.

If you're still experiencing issues, check to make sure that the following snippet of code is part of the code you pasted from Facebook:

window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
      xfbml            : true,
      version          : 'v3.2'

If not, copy and paste that code directly below:

<!-- Load Facebook SDK for JavaScript -->
<div id="fb-root"></div>

And directly above:

(function(d, s, id) {
 var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];

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