Using Audio Files Hosted On Dropbox In Nucleus

To use an audio file hosted on Dropbox in your Nucleus, follow these instructions.

First, login to your Dropbox console and click the 'Share' button on the file you wish to use.

Now, click on the 'Copy Link' option to copy the file link to your clipboard.

Once you've copied the link, here is what the copied version will look like:

To prepare this link to work within Nucleus, you'll need to make a couple small adjustments.

First, remove the "www" from the beginning of the link and replace it "dl". Second, remove any suffix added to the link at the end of the file.

With that, your Dropbox hosted audio file is ready to be used in an audio content block within your Nucleus.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have disabled downloads for your audio file, you will be unable to play the audio content on your Nucleus.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Audio files must be uploaded as an .mp3 or a .wav audio file. Nucleus will not recognize or play .aac files (or other various audio file formats).

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