Google Calendar

The Calendar content block in Nucleus allows you to add a Google Calendar directly into any Nucleus Card.

Here's how it will look for the people that use your Nucleus...

To add a calendar block to a Nucleus Card, begin by dragging and dropping the calendar block onto your Card timeline.

Upon adding a calendar block to your Card, you'll be presented with a field to paste in your Google Calendar ID. 

This Google Calendar ID is the field Nucleus will use to pull in your calendar from Google. 

To find your Google Calendar ID, first, login to your Google Calendar account. Then, find the calendar you wish to integrate and share with your Nucleus. Click on the Options icon (the one with three dots in a vertical line) for your calendar of choice. Then, click on the Settings and sharing option.

First, make sure that your calendar's Access Permissions are properly set to share your calendar with the world. To do this, select the option to Make available to public. Then ensure the box to the right says See all event details. If it doesn't, simply click on it to change that setting.

From here, scroll down to the section titled Integrate calendar. Your Calendar ID will be listed in this section.

Copy your Calendar ID and then paste it into your Nucleus Calendar block's options (found in the left sidebar). 

Upon doing this, your Google Calendar will be successfully integrated into your Nucleus Card!

Ensure Your Google Calendar Can Be Viewed Publicly

If you have a G Suite account and you're having difficult integrating your Google Calendar with Nucleus after following the steps above, you'll need to ensure your calendar's privacy settings are correctly configured.

First, visit your Google Admin Console and click on the Apps tab.

Next, click on the G Suite tab.

Now, select the Calendar option.

Upon entering the Calendar settings, select Sharing settings.

Finally, ensure that your external sharing options for your calendars are set to Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars.'

Once you've changed your settings, ensure you hit Save at the bottom right corner of the window to apply the changes you've made.

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