FAQ - Web

Can I include video in the headers of my pages? What about the homepage hero background?

Yes! You can use either a YouTube or Vimeo URL to add a video to your headers (for individual pages or your main homepage) instead of just a still video.

Can Nucleus host my email?

For email hosting, we recommend using G Suite by Google, as it includes email hosting. Did you know that, even though it's a paid service, it's free for non-profit organizations (aka churches)? 💸 Click here to learn all about that.

Can I purchase a custom domain through Nucleus?

Although we'll host your domain here at Nucleus, we're not a domain registrar. You'll have to purchase your domain from an approved registrar like GoDaddy, Google Domains, or Namecheap.

Does Nucleus host my website? Do I need to find another platform to host my Nucleus?

You betcha! Hosting is on us 👌 No need to keep paying hosting fees elsewhere when you're with Nucleus.

How do I get my Sermon Engine to appear on my Nucleus?

You can link your sermons to your Nucleus homepage in two effective ways!

☝️ You can create a navigation menu item called, "Sermons/Messages/Listen/etc.," that links directly to your sermon engine at yourdomain/media

✌️ You can also create a card on your Nucleus homepage with a similar name, and by pasting your sermon engine URL into the, "Direct link to external URL," field, enable that card to directly open your sermon engine.

You can learn about both methods here.

Can I assign various admin levels and create varying logins for my Nucleus?

Although multiple logins is not a feature we currently support, multiple people can be logged in at once using a single login. Creating a single global login for your church that can be shared with multiple people is the best solution while we work towards making multiple logins a reality.

What's the ideal size for background/header images?

We recommend using images that measure 1920x1080 📷 

My Nucleus isn't loading. What should I do?

Call the Ghostbusters! 👻 (Just kidding.)

First, check status.nucleus.church. Are all systems operational? 

👉 If so, you have an isolated issue. Reach out to us on support so we can look into it! (Just click the purple speech bubble in the bottom right corner to send us a message.)

👉 If not, we're likely hard at work trying to save the world (read: Nucleus).

How do I change the message that pops up (confirmation message) when someone submits a form?

If you've built a card using a template, there's placeholder copy all over the place. To change the success message of a form from "Hope Church", simply navigate to the form, click on Edit form settings from the sidebar on the left, scroll down until you see the success message field, and edit away!

HINT: There are a lot of different sidebars for any single form. An easy way to find the sidebar where you can click on Edit form settings click on the bottom left corner of the form.

My website browser says my Nucleus is not secure. How can I make it secure?

Find a key and lock it fast! 🔑 No, it's most likely that you simply don't have an SSL certificate associated with your domain.

An SSL certificate helps ensure that any information passed through your Nucleus forms is safe and secure. (It's the difference between what you see in the URL of httpand https, httpsbeing the secure site.)

We want your site to be as secure as it can be, so SSL's are on us. Simply reach out to request that we add a certificate to your site!

Can I pay for a Nucleus subscription with a check/cheque? What about through an ACH?

As much as we'd love to accommodate all forms of payment, our system doesn't allow for checks/cheques or payment via ACH transactions. We do accept most major credit cards, though! (See next question for which ones exactly.)

What methods of payment can I use to pay for my Nucleus subscription?

Our system can take payments from most major credit cards, except Discover cards:

💰 Visa / Visa Debit

💰💰 Mastercard / Mastercard Debit

💰💰💰 American Express

What currency are Nucleus subscriptions paid in?

Though we are a Canadian company (True North strong and free, eh?) all subscriptions are paid in USD.

Can I create my Nucleus in another language other than English? What about making it bilingual or setting it up with multiple languages?

Though we don't currently support multiple languages for a single Nucleus site, you can build your Nucleus in whatever language you want!

For supporting multiple languages, most browsers today will automatically recognize a website that's in another language than what your computer's default language is set to, and will present an option to translate the page into that language. So while there isn't a way to truly support multiple languages within Nucleus, most browsers will do the work for you!

Are there any live Nucleus sites other than the demos I can see? I'm looking for some inspiration!

You bet! Below, you'll find a handful of LIVE Nucleus sites from real churches. Hope this helps!

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