Re-Order Navigation Menu Items

Adjusting the order of the items in your Nucleus navigation is simple & straightforward.

STEP #1: Navigate to your Cards Dashboard by hovering over the 'Web' link and click on 'Navigation'.

STEP #2: Find the item you wish to move and click on the toggle icon (the one with arrows).

STEP #3: While holding onto the toggle icon, drag and drop your navigation item into its new and preferred order. The order your items appear on your Nucleus (left to right) is the order your items are arranged here from top to bottom, where the first item is the furthest left in your navigation menu, while the last item is the furthest right in your navigation menu.

STEP #4: Once you're satisfied with the new order of your navigation item(s), make sure to save your changes by clicking on the 'Save' button at the top-right corner.

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