Add Item To Navigation Menu

Every Nucleus comes equipped with an expansive navigation menu, enabling hundreds of different items while maintaining a clean & simple navigation.

To add items to your Nucleus navigation menu, begin by hovering over the 'Web' button in the top left corner and select 'Navigation' in the dropdown menu.

Create New Link

To add a navigation menu item, begin clicking on the link in your navigation dashboard titled 'Create New Link.'

After clicking on the 'Create New Link' button, you'll be presented with a page where you can customize your new navigation menu item.

Link Label

First, give your new navigation menu item a label. This label can be up to 25 characters in length.

Link Type

Next, decide what type of link you need to configure your new navigation menu item. You can link to an existing card within your Nucleus OR you can link an external URL elsewhere.

Link to Page:

If you want your navigation item to link to a specific page you've created in your Nucleus, select the option to 'Link to page.' Then, in the drop-down menu, select the card you want your navigation item to link to.

External Link:

If you want your navigation item to link to an external URL, select the 'External link' option.

Then type in the external link you wish the item to take users to. Note that you must include the full URL, including the https:// and www (or whatever information comes before the primary domain of the URL).

Add Under

If you have other pre-existing navigation menu items, you can configure your new navigation menu item to appear as a sub-navigation item under a top-level nav item.

Simply select from the drop-down menu under 'Add under' to choose from a pre-existing navigation menu item to choose which primary navigation item you wish your new item to appear under.

Open In New Tab

If you want your navigation menu item to open in a new tab or to open in a user's existing browser tab, use the 'Open in new tab' checkbox at the very bottom of the modal.

Add to Navigation

Now that you've configured the settings of your new navigation menu item, click on the 'Create this Link' button at the top-right corner of the modal to add your new menu item to your Nucleus navigation.

Save Your Changes

To save your changes, click on the 'Save Changes' button at the top-right corner of your navigation menu dashboard.

Congrats! You've added a new navigation menu item to your Nucleus navigation.

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