The Nucleus Social Free Trial Bundle

If you're on the Nucleus trial, you'll have access to a trial bundle of Nucleus Social posts. This allows you to preview 30 unique posts, giving you a good feel for what to expect for each monthly bundle going forward, once you've inputted your subscription payment information (which you can do here).

Here's how to access your Free Trial Bundle...

Accessing the Free Trial Bundle

  1. To access the free trial bundle, from the main menu in your Nucleus Dashboard, hover over Social and click on Posts.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on Free Trial Bundle.

Inside the Free Trial Bundle

Now that you've accessed the Free Trial Bundle, you should see a list of all 30 individual social media posts.

Exploring the features


Above the list of posts, you can search for an individual post within the Free Trial Bundle. Here, you can search for the title or genre to look for an individual post.


In this column, you will see a number for each day of that month. With each monthly bundle in Nucleus Social, we recommend uploading each post in order as they appear in the list (especially when posts are curated for special days/events throughout the year). That being said, you can upload a post at any time or day you'd like.


The title column displays the name of each post. Each name will provide a summary of what the content of that post will contain. Click on the title of a post to see its individual details. The View option on the right side of the pack's details will do the same.


Every post we create falls under a specific type or genre. These may vary and new genres may be added as new trends become active on social media. These genres help you categorize and know at a glance exactly what type each social post is. This is especially helpful if you want to create your own social posting schedule, based on the genre of post.

A social post overview

To see an overview of a social media post, find and select the title of the individual post you're wanting to download. You can also select the View button.

Exploring the features

Now that you've entered an individual post, let's take a look at what's inside... 


The first thing you'll see is a preview of that particular social media post. All posts come with a video or still image option, but whatever is the recommended (see Downloads below) option, that will be what is previewed here.


Below the preview, you'll see a section entitled Downloads. Simply click on each item to download it. There will be up to four files to download:

  • Video - This is the .mp4 file that is ready to be uploaded directly to the social media platform of your choice.
  • Photoshop File - This is the raw Photoshop file used to create the still image version of the post. (You cannot upload this directly to a social media platform.) Use this file to customize the still image version yourself.
  • Image - This is the .jpg file that is ready to be uploaded directly to the social media platform of your choice.
  • After Effects File - This is the raw file used to create the video version of the post. (You cannot upload this directly to a social media platform.) Use this file to customize the video version yourself.

The recommended file - either the video or image - is what we suggest be the version you post to your social media, though the choice is completely up to you!

Suggested Caption

The text here is what we suggest to add as the caption to the post. Feel free to copy this exactly, make adjustments to it, or make your own caption altogether.


There may be one or multiple resources listed here, usually being the specific fonts used in that specific post. Some of these fonts are free, while others are paid. If you intended on customizing the posts yourself, you will need all the fonts listed here to do so. A quick Google search will help you find the font you're looking if you don't already have it installed on your device.

How to download a post

To download a social media post, simply click on one of the purple highlighted options below Downloads.

Keep in mind...

You will need an Adobe subscription to open the Photoshop and After Effects files. You don't need this programs to use Nucleus Media though, as you will have full use of the .mp4 and the .jpg files. 

  • If you don't have Adobe Photoshop, you can download a free 7-day trial here.
  • If you don't have Adobe After Effects, you can download a free 7-day trial here.

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