Upload/Edit Media Item

Uploading audio files and embedding video from a source like YouTube or Vimeo can be done in the click of a button!

To begin, click the Sermons button at the top of the screen and then click Add New from the Media panel on the left of the screen under Sermons

Title and Description

The first thing to do is name and describe your media item. This title will be searchable in your Sermon Engine, and will also translate to your RSS feed if you're publishing to a podcast.

You'll also want to describe your media item, using a short sentence or two to summarize the content.


Next you can add a speaker for filtering and search. This is a great way for your church members to filter through your sermons! You can add new speakers by simply typing and hitting enter, or choose from the drop down of previously used speakers.


Next, select the date when the sermon was recorded. You can choose a publishing date later on if you want to backdate it or set it to publish in the future, but this recorded date is helpful for sorting in your Sermon Engine and in your RSS feed.

Now you can upload your sermon content! You can upload an audio file, embed a video file or both!

Uploading Audio

Let's start by uploading an audio file. Choose a valid file type from your computer (either . mp3 or .m4a) and upload audio as large as 500mb. Once you've done that, add some artwork to it! Our recommend size is 1400x1400 pixels or larger. Keep in mind that audio artwork displays at a square 1:1 aspect ratio!

Embedding Video

Embedding video isn't any more difficult than pasting a valid YouTube or Vimeo link into the video link field. When you've pasted a valid link from YouTube or Vimeo, you'll get a check-mark confirming that you're good to go.

NOTE: If you delete the linked video from it's host (YouTube or Vimeo), that will break the link to your Sermon Engine. 

Media Item Settings

Now that you've successfully added your sermon content, let's round out the rest of those settings by adding some scriptures, tags, and attachments!

Header Background Image

Here you can add a header background image that will show up at the top of the page. We recommend the size be 2800x1400 pixels or larger. If left blank, your media artwork will be used instead.


Similar to adding and selecting speakers, you can do the same for content tag words. Simply type and save by smashing the Enter button on your keyboard. Be sure to only tag relevant tag words, as users will be able to filter through your sermons using these tags!


Selects a source scripture (or scriptures!) from the dropdown menus. You can even choose from multiple bible translations! The best part? The linked scriptures are active links, so when a user clicks on it the scripture opens at bible.com in a new tab.


Upload attachments that are relevant to your sermon such as images, worksheets, or sermon notes using the attachment feature! Simply click Add An Attachment and select a file from your computer! Any file type is accepted, and files must be 250mb or less. You're not limited to one attachment! Click Add Another Attachment to keep attaching until the cows come home 🐄


Add your new sermon to an existing playlist. (ie. If you are in the middle of a series, you can group sermons into a Playlist.)


Choose between having your new sermon Public, or Hidden. Public means that it will live on your site for everyone to see. Hidden means that it is live on your site, but you need the direct URL to access it.

Publish Date

You can set your sermon to publish now, at a later date or even save it as a draft for later! Simply select the date and time from the calendar, and voila! You've successfully traveled time ⏱

Finally, don't forget to save your changes once your finished!

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