Transaction Element

NOTE: Before you can begin accepting giving/transactions within Nucleus forms, you must first enable the integration - click here to do that.

The transaction form element enables built-in giving within your Nucleus and allows you to accept giving/donations and payments/transactions through Nucleus forms.

Step #1 - Adding The Transaction Element To A Nucleus Form

To add a transaction form field to a Nucleus Form, you'll first need to create a form by dragging the form block onto your Nucleus editor.

NOTE: You will not see the Transaction Element in the left hand column if you have not integrated your account with your Nucleus.

Now, drag and drop the transaction form field onto your Nucleus Form block.

Click on the Card Info Header. And a new column on the left will appear.

When building a Nucleus form with the transaction form element, there are three required fields:

  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Card Info

Of course, you can add as many form fields as you choose! But the three listed above are necessary to allow for transactions to occur.

Step #2 - Customizing Your Transaction Form (Card Info)

The transaction element comes with a number of different payment settings that you can customize to create the perfect giving or transaction form every time.

To access the payment settings, click the 'Card Info' form field within your transaction form field.

Upon clicking the 'Card Info' form field, the payment settings window will appear in the sidebar.

Here is an overview of each of the settings you can customize:

Organization* (Required Field)

The first field you must configure to enable transactions in a Nucleus form is the 'Organization' field'. Within, you're able to create multiple churches/organizations inside of a single account.

This allows you to have multiple organizations within a single account [Example: Multiple church campuses].

To learn more about how to add an organization under your account in, click here.

To enable transactions within a Nucleus form, you must select an 'Organization' from the provided dropdown menu. Only one organization can be selected per form.

Giving Type* (Required Field)

Note: An organization must be selected in order for this drop down menu to appear.

The second field you must configure to enable transactions in a Nucleus form is the 'Giving Type' field. Within, you're able to create multiple giving types inside of each 'Organization' [Example: General Fund, Tithe, Offering].

To enable transactions within a Nucleus form, you must select a pre-determined 'Giving Type' from the provided dropdown menu.

Alternatively, another option is to activate the 'Visitors choose giving type toggle'. This allows your users to choose which 'Giving Type' they wish to contribute to.

Price* (Required Field)

The third field you must configure to enable transactions in a Nucleus form is the 'Price' field. 

With the 'Price' field you have two options to choose from:

  1. Payment/Transaction: Set a concrete cost in the 'Price' field. This will force a user to pay a specific, pre-determined amount. This is how you'd want to configure your transactions element when accepting payments/transactions for church merchandise, mission trips, curriculum, etc.
  2. Giving/Tithe: Activate the 'Visitors choose amount' toggle to allow your users to decide how much they wish to donate. This is how you'd want to configure your transactions element when accepting giving, offering, and tithes.

Description (Optional)

Every transaction form element comes with an optional 'Description' field - this field is not required.

This field can be used to add specific instructions to a transaction field, offer a security disclaimer, or add any other text you deem appropriate!

Additional Fields (Optional)

Lastly, a pair of additional fields can be added to your transactions element at your discretion - these fields are optional and not required.

  • Address: Require a user to enter their full address when completing a transaction or donation
  • Memo: Allow users to enter a memo to be included with their gift/payment

Step #3 - Accepting Payments/Donations Through Nucleus Forms

Success! After adding a transactions form field to a Nucleus form and configuring the required fields/options, you're ready to begin accepting donations and/or payments through your Nucleus!

Way to go!

NOTE: The transaction element must be the last element of any form for it to work. Otherwise, your transaction element will not function on the front end of your Nucleus.

REMEMBER: The Transactions Element is powered by If you ever need to alter specific settings such as Organizations, Giving Types, etc. - those settings can only be changed from within your account.

This also means that’s standard rates apply, meaning that there is a 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction to make sure that each payment/donation is processed safely and securely.

If you encounter specific problems pertaining to your account - make sure to check out their help center by clicking here!

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